AET Tankers

Global tanker owner/operator, AET, has been a Navigate client for almost 10 years. In 2007, AET asked our help to completely re-brand itself to match a renewed philosophy and the start of a journey to become the truly global shipping company it is today.

Focus groups
Our work began with assisting in a range of staff focus groups across the organisation. The aim was to understand the importance of the current brand, what it stood for and what it promised. The next step was to crystalize the strengths of AET, its positioning, it uniqueness and how it was perceived by its customers. This work informed the new brand identity and was eventually distilled into a refreshed vision, mission and set of core values.

Brand workshops
A series of brand workshops helped us develop a comprehensive brief which was given to three very carefully selected design agencies. From this, AET’s new brand was born. Elements of the original brand remained to acknowledge the company’s US roots, but a new logo device and colour palette was created alongside a huge range of related brand identity collateral. All this was underpinned by a visionary set of corporate statements that clearly explained the AET promise.

Launching the brand
We worked with AET to select an events company and, with that company, we staged brand launch events in London, Singapore, Houston, Kuala Lumpur and Jaipur for AET staff, customers and media.

Brand guardians
A comprehensive brand handbook and set of guidelines was produced and a “brand office” created.

AET’s new brand was embraced by the entire staff and has been rolled out to all corners of the company, from lapel badges to ships’ funnels.



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